VCF Quality Control


To evaluate the quality of a VCF file, different metrics are calculated using granite qcVCF. The software calculates both sample-based, as well as, family-based metrics.

The metrics currently available for sample are:

  • variant types distribution
  • base substitutions
  • transition-transversion ratio
  • heterozygosity ratio
  • depth of coverage (GATK)
  • depth of coverage (raw)

The metrics currently available for family are:

  • mendelian errors in trio


variant types distribution

Total number of variants classified by type as:

  • DELetion (ACTG>A or ACTG>*)
  • INSertion (A>ACTG or *>ACTG)
  • Single-Nucleotide Variant (A>T)
  • Multi-Allelic Variant (A>T,C)
  • Multi-Nucleotide Variant (AA>TT)

base substitutions

Total number of SNVs classified by the type of substitution (e.g. C>T).

transition-transversion ratio

Ratio of transitions to transversions in SNVs. It is expected to be [2, 2.20] for WGS and [2.6, 3.3] for WES.

heterozygosity ratio

Ratio of heterozygous to alternate homozygous variants. It is expected to be [1.5, 2.5] for WGS analysis. Heterozygous and alternate homozygous sites are counted by variant type.

depth of coverage

Average depth of all variant sites called in the sample.

Depth of coverage (GATK) is calculated based on DP values as assigned by GATK. Depth of coverage (raw) is calculated based on raw read counts calculated directly from the bam file.

mendelian errors in trio

Variant sites in proband that are not consistent with mendelian inheritance rules based on parent genotypes. Mendelian errors are counted by variant type and classified based on genotype combinations in trio as:

Proband Father Mother Type
0/1 0/0 0/0 de novo
0/1 1/1 1/1 error
1/1 0/0 (any) error
1/1 (any) 0/0 error
1/1 | 0/1 ./. (any) missing in parent
1/1 | 0/1 (any) ./. missing in parent